Cape Town from Table Mountain
13.08.2014 | Yay, I enjoyed a beautiful sunny and warm South African winter day on Table Mountain yesterday – with great views over the city of Cape Town, Western Cape, and the surrounding landscapes. Today, Table Mountain is hidden behind clouds: 16 degrees with a chance of rain. Happy that I have been on the top yesterday.

From trash to art: the Magpie Art Collective
11.08.2014 | On my drive along the Route 62 I stopped in Barrydale where I discovered an interesting project that turns trash into inspiring art: the Magpie Art Collective. They use trash like plastic bottles, tins or old porcelain to create new objects: eye-catching chandeliers that put things we usually throw away into a new context of beauty and value. Very inspiring!

Canoe polo and travel magic
02.08.2014 | On this journey I have usually relied on the flow and the magic of travelling: Having a rough idea about what to do and then just being inspired by the places themselves and by the people I meet. My first day in Knysna at the Garden Route, Western Cape, was a day where travel magic didn’t seem to work and nothing seemed to happen. Grey like the weather, no real highlights. No clarity in myself about what to do. But I was wrong.

Tsitsikamma flash
25.07.2014 | Today I was flashed by the diverse beauty of the Tsitsikamma National Park. I made a walk along the coast at the Storms River Mouth where the waves and the rocky shore danced their everlasting dance. After being in areas without much green vegetation for some weeks the green lush forest together with the smell of herbs growing there really touched my senses – what a beauty!
I saw colours from crisp blue to spring green – three rainbows – and with more and more clouds the landscape turned into grey, dark blue and green and even black. I loved to take pictures of the tree shapes in front of the ocean. And in the very end I even saw dolphins in the rough waves very close to the rocky shore.

Connecting from the beach in Cintsa
22.07.2014 | After about two weeks in the rural parts of South Africa’s Wild Coast, the former Transkei, I am now back in a place with better connectivity: Cintsa. I wanted to write a new blog post about that time but now the charger of my netbook doesn’t work. And as writing longer articles on my phone is not really convenient I decided to go the beach instead. Sorry guys…