Kategorie: Moments

Canoe polo and travel magic
02.08.2014 | On this journey I have usually relied on the flow and the magic of travelling: Having a rough idea about what to do and then just being inspired by the places themselves and by the people… Read More

Connecting from the beach in Cintsa
22.07.2014 | After about two weeks in the rural parts of South Africa’s Wild Coast, the former Transkei, I am now back in a place with better connectivity: Cintsa. I wanted to write a new blog post about… Read More

World Cup Final: Germany-Argentina
Getting ready for the final – with international support from Floor Franck from Holland and some other nations. Let’s get that thing! — And we got it: 1:0 after extra time. Yippieh!
World Cup Semifinal: Germany-Brazil
Watching Germany vs. Brazil in an African school in a rural area at the Wild Coast with some international and local people – and having connectivity to let you know about it – so cool :-). Germany won… Read More
World Cup Quarterfinal: Germany-France
Yeah, made it to watch Germany vs. France in a hotel sports bar in Southern Drakensberg with some Dutch and American people 🙂 — Germany won: 1:0