Schlagwort: Ending

Will leave the Indian Ocean today…
03.07.2014 | … for the mountains. Next stop: Underberg, Southern Drakensberg. It will definitely be colder there, but I hope still sunny…

Good-bye St. Lucia! Hello Durban!
30.06.2014 | Dear St. Lucia, I love your beach! I have met some of your hippos in Lake St. Lucia, but luckily not in your streets where they are said to graze at night. Thank you to all… Read More

Thank you, Wildlife ACT
22.06.2014 | My volunteering time with Wildlife ACT is finished now. Thank you, Cole, our wildlife monitor in the Mkhuze Game Reserve, and Pippa, assistant monitor and wine maker, and my co-volunteers Lizzie, Sabrina and Catalina for the… Read More