Schlagwort: Beach

Connecting from the beach in Cintsa
22.07.2014 | After about two weeks in the rural parts of South Africa’s Wild Coast, the former Transkei, I am now back in a place with better connectivity: Cintsa. I wanted to write a new blog post about… Read More

Will leave the Indian Ocean today…
03.07.2014 | … for the mountains. Next stop: Underberg, Southern Drakensberg. It will definitely be colder there, but I hope still sunny…

Cycling along Durban’s beachfront…
02.07.2014 | … and taking pictures on the way: These are my snapshots.

Waves, you make my heart sing
24.06.2014 | What a blessing to travel in my own authority and in my own rhythm. I feel gratitude.

Stunning beach in St. Lucia
23.06.2014 | Pure elemental forces: sand, sun, water, wind – and me. Love it here!