Camplife with chocolate moments
28.06.2014 | This was our home for two weeks – the Wildlife ACT Mkhuze Camp. Lizzie Hide, experienced Wildlife ACT volunteer, cooked passionately for all of us. We were lucky that she never goes without a good dessert – not even in the bush. Thank you, Lizzie!

“Don’t worry about the water, you are already wet!”
25.06.2014 | This is what our captain said on the whale watching tour I did today – and he was right. The whale watching boat had to leave from the beach as the Indian Ocean is not accessible from the St. Lucia estuary any more. Have you ever started a boat ride from the beach?

Waves, you make my heart sing
24.06.2014 | What a blessing to travel in my own authority and in my own rhythm. I feel gratitude.

Stunning beach in St. Lucia
23.06.2014 | Pure elemental forces: sand, sun, water, wind – and me. Love it here!

Waking up early
23.06.2014 | I woke up at about 4.30h this morning – the time when I usually stood up during my volunteering time in the Mkhuze Game Reserve. Even though I am in a different place now and don’t have to stand up that early my body seems to have adapted to the daily rhythms we were following to monitor the animals. We usually left camp at 5.30h in the dark and started animal tracking via radio telemetry from a vista point. Then we went on to get a real sighting of selected animals. It was so beautiful to see and feel the sun rising and to listen to the morning voices of the bush. My B&B room cannot offer this to me today. But I can hear the waves of the Indian Ocean from afar and I will follow this call today.